Transport Mangement during Covid-19

Transport Mangement during Covid-19

The outbreak of a novel human Coronavirus SARS-Cov which was first identified in Wuhan, China, in
late 2019, has spread rapidly throughout the world. Due to which unprecedented global lockdown 
bought transportation and Courier services in inoperative mode. In protecting both personal and public
health during the crisis, SK followed a new concept of Responsible Transport to help, inform and shape
transport facilities and practice responses to COVID. Before COVID, much of the emphasis in transport
policy was manual driven and labour oriented, We have introduced Smart technological
interventions and sustained mobility. The novelty of this proposal lies in the fact that it incorporates
not only environmental considerations with respect to sustainability but also encompasses
considerations of individual and community health and wellbeing. As essential medicine supplies were
interrupted, SK Logistics has managed to serve the customers and ensured uninterrupted supply of
medicines. It was imperative to send medicines to stockiest /distributor /institutions in this scenario.


● Special Closed body private vehicles were hired to manage various dispatches.
● To ensure continued operations in these critical conditions , the team has worked day and
● Distribution of (Food packets, beverages and other essential things) were given to drivers and
● Requisite Papers and Government notification provided to vehicles were ensured for smooth
passage to their destination.
● Regular sanitization of vehicles were been done and provided all safety gears to all the drivers
and helpers such as PPE kits, Masks, Sanitizers etc
● Cold chain management being a critical aspect of our operations, we are continuously
monitoring and taking follow ups for the shipments reaching to the customers within the
specified time.


● 40000 Shippers were dispatched to Customers Across Gujarat without any mismatch.
● Medicines were supplied across the country on time
● Cold Chain Material has reached within the specified time frame and in ideal temperature

SK logistics understands the importance of individual behaviour and collective responsibility.
Moreover, it believe to play the role of the individual as a responsible autonomous actor in delivering
socially desired transport outcomes.

Sk logistics
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